3 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z

Household Heating & Cooling

Contact: John Brandstatter
Work Phone: 313 543-2300 Website: https://www.householdheatingandcooling.com/

Humble Beginnings Daycare & Preschool Inc.

Contact: La’Kesha Fordd
Home 26559 Grand River Ave. Redford MI 48240 Work Phone: 313.766.4500 Website: http://www.humblebeginningsdaycare.com/

I Do Windows

Contact: Eugene McKinney
Work Phone: 313 595-3707

In His Presence Ministries Worldwide

Contact: Paula Lee-Barnes
Work 26500 Grand River Redford MI 48240 Work Phone: 313.533.1956 Website: https://detroitinhispresence.org/

Java Payment Services

Contact: Carey Dowdy
Work Phone: 248 912-1100 Website: http://www.jps-us.com

Jewel’s Health & Wellness Center

Work 24350 Joy 3A Redford MI 48239 Work Phone: 313-766-4472

JNL Associates, Income Tax

Contact: Judy Williams
Work Phone: 313 537-7443 Website: https://jnltaxassociates.com/

John Wood Plumbing

Contact: John Wood
Work Phone: 313 255-2299 Website: http://www.johnwoodplumbingllc.com

Judson Center

Contact: Khadija Walker-Fobbs
Work Phone: 248 837.2104 Website: https://www.judsoncenter.org/

June’s Tailor & Dry Cleaning

Contact: Yong Chung
Work Phone: 313 535-2270

K & M Boat Company LLC

Contact: Gary Mercure
Work Phone: 313 533-9800 Website: https://www.kandmboat.com/

Keenan & Austin P.C.

Contact: John Keenan
Work 25550 Five Mile Rd Redford MI 48/239 Work Phone: 313.608.3690

Kentucky Fried Chicken (5 Mile Location)

Contact: Donna Smith
Work 25551 Five Mile Road Redford Redford MI 48239 Work Phone: 248 353-7600 Website: https://locations.kfc.com/mi/redford/25551-five-mile-road

Kentucky Fried Chicken of Redford

Contact: Shirley Vangeloff
Work 27026 Grand River Redford MI 48240 Work Phone: 248 353-7600 Website: http://kfcmichigan.com

Kristi’s Flowers

Contact: Barbara Engel
Work Phone: 313 937-3680 Website: https://www.kristisflowers.com/

L.P.S. Construction

Contact: Leo P. Snage
Work Phone: 313 537-0331

La-Ink Publishing

Contact: Ami Burl
Website: https://www.la-inkpublish.com/

Lighthouse Community Church of God

Contact: Rev. Dale Turner
Work Phone: 313 541-2626 Website: http://www.lhcchog.org/

Lincoln Behavioral Services

Contact: Kris Chernavage
Work Phone: 313 450-4500 Website: http://www.lbscares.com

Livonia Lions Club

Work Phone: 248-252-8463